Monday, November 11, 2013

Food, Glorious Food!

Since the last time I wrote I have been trying lots of different foods.  So far everything has been pretty good.  Except avocados.  Mommy says I need to keep trying them though.  Look at how my menu has expanded!

Carrots.  Not impressed.


Much better on crackers

Sweet Potatoes

This is funny because it looks like I'm sticking my tongue
 out at it, but I'm really just licking my lips.


I know Mommy loves me because she made me peas.

Something new

What was that?!


Why do you keep giving it to me…?


Peas weren't quite so bad the second time.

I'm not so sure about this Wowo...

Then came something really great: FRUIT!

Grandma Mary held me while I tried pears for the first time.  They were super yummy!


Kinda slimy, but I like them

Can I have some of this?
How about these?

Look what I can do!  I can hold my bottle all by myself!

Apple juice?  This isn't what I normally drink...

Yep.  It's good.  And this cup is kinda fun!

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